
Headspace? | Anita

No matter where I go, I’d love it if it’s stimulating, and evokes a response – intellectual, creative, emotional – because at the end of the day, I’m back in my headspace, and that response is what stays with me..


Chill in the AirWhen one of my knitting projects ends

However far away or unlikely the end might seem when one starts something good, there is always an end, and it is beautiful..


Waiting | Anita

If only a bench could relate the experiences of all the people that it has supported… Stories of togetherness, and of loneliness. Moments of strength, and of weakness. Feelings of happiness, and of sadness. This bench must have seen it all, and yet, it always seems like it is waiting for the next person it would meet.

Out of This World

Abstract or alien? | Anita
Textures and patterns in everyday objects can seem extraordinary and out of this world when one pays a little attention to them.