CB&W / APAW: Musing

Musing on life? | Anita

Cee’s Black & White Photo Challenge: Isolated Objects
Nancy Merrill’s A Photo a Week Challenge: Black & White

(The color version of the duck is here.)


Like most people, I’m not a fan of pigeons. But when I see them strutting around with their mildly colored plumage, and light reflecting off of it here and there, my attitude softens. Then I realize they’re just outside my window, probably deciding on the best place to unload, and my urge to shoo them away returns…

Hey little birdie!

A Steller's Jay

A Steller’s Jay that I saw while on a vacation at Oregon, USA. It slightly turned its head right at the moment I clicked it, and its crest is almost hidden as a result. I just love the blue on it!

Though I say ‘little birdie’, this jay is not so little — it is almost as big as a crow…

For SL-Week: DoF.



While on a boat ride in Kerala, these ducks were paddling away furiously beside us. They overtook us eventually. I’d never seen so many ducks gathered together! It was pretty difficult getting a clear picture due to the relative motion of the boat and the ducks, and this is the best of the few that I managed to click.

What makes this photograph funny to me is the random guy inadvertently (or deliberately?) posing at the back. 🙂

Musing on life?

Musing on life?

Musing on life?

It’s true, we all go through it at some point or the other — musing on the meaning (or purpose) of life; only, I eventually realize that I’m hungry and contemplating life can wait, maybe even postponed while I’m busy living it instead. Could this duck on the waterside be similarly deep in thought?

Clicked at the Lake Sammamish State Park one afternoon, this is a twist on the weekly photography theme of muse (the noun), because I don’t have any muses as such — there are a lot of things that inspire me and quite a few that depress me. I’m a complex person. 😉

One-Four Challenge: Forager Duck, Part IV

It’s the final week of the One Four Challenge for this month (we work on one photograph of our choosing and present a different version of it each week.) I’d wanted to play around more, but I didn’t really have much time last week, so I finally decided to just focus more on the Forager Duck itself. The result –

Forager DuckI zoomed in on the duck and applied a light oil painting effect for this version. I love how the beautiful plumage of the duck looks here!

Since this is the final week for this month’s challenge, I’ll also show the original photograph…

Forager Duck

… and the earlier three versions for this month, so you can decide which, amongst all five Foragers, you like most –

Forager Duck - Glow  Forager Duck - Muted colors  Forager Duck - Monochrome

You could even vote for one if you’d like –

For more One-Four Challenge submissions, please check out the comments section of Robyn’s post for this week, or search for the tag ‘One Four Challenge’ in WordPress.

One-Four Challenge: Forager Duck, Part III

It’s week 3 of the One Four Challenge for this month; it’s hosted by Robyn Gosby, and we present four weekly versions of one photograph (of our choosing) over one month. My chosen photograph is a Forager Duck, of which I’ve presented ‘glowy‘ and muted-color versions so far. This week, I went monochrome, so I could submit it to the Monochrome Madness series that Leanne Cole hosts. 🙂

Forager Duck

For this version, I slightly blurred the surroundings using a combination of radial- and zoom-blurred layers in Hard Light mode before applying a sepia effect, resulting in softer waves that still show some reflections, and a comparitively stronger focus on the duck.

For more One-Four Challenge submissions, please check out the comments section of Robyn’s post for this week, or search for the tag ‘One Four Challenge’ in WordPress.

For more Monochrome Madness submissions, you might want to head over to Leanne’s post.

One-Four Challenge: Forager Duck, Part II

It’s week 2 of the One Four Challenge for May. Robyn Gosby hosts this challenge on her blog, and we work on a photograph of our choosing, presenting a different version of it every week for four weeks of the month.

I’ve chosen a Forager Duck this month, and my version for this week is a muted-color one.

Forager Duck

For this version, I played with color levels on a duplicated layer of the original image. I changed the ranges of the color channels in the layer to make it appear washed-out, and set the duplicated layer to 50% opacity in Color mode.

For more submissions, please check out the comments section of Robyn’s post for this week, or search for the tag ‘One Four Challenge’ in WordPress.

One-Four Challenge: Forager Duck, Part I

After a break of many months from the One Four Challenge that Robyn hosts on her blog, I’m participating again this month. And the picture I choose is that of a duck looking for food on the shores of Lake Tahoe. I call it ‘Forager Duck’ because it sounds like ‘Ranger Duck’ and makes the duck look tough.

Forager Duck

I had to do some pre-editing on the original photograph to make it eligible for more editing, and this pre-edited version is what I’ll use as the base image for this time’s edits. I’ll publish that at the end of this month, as always. I’m planning on keeping this month’s images soft and light; I hope that’ll eventually turn out to be true. (The pre-edit is neither soft nor light, so yeah, it’ll take some work.)

For this week’s edit, I duplicated the original (by which I mean pre-edited) image layer in Hard Light mode, and applied a Gaussian Blur of 15. I then duplicated the blurred layer in Screen mode. I finally added a vignette. That adds some simple softening and a bit of glow, and hides the frothiness of those waves.

If you want to look for more submissions, they’re on Robyn’s blog. Or you could search for the tag ‘One Four Challenge’ on WordPress.