Monochrome madness wk 52 (or yr 1)

It’s apparently been a year since Leanne Cole and Laura Macky began their Monochrome Madness series, which Leanne’s been hosting on her blog religiously. (Thanks Leanne!) While I started taking part in it very recently, and have been submitting photographs fairly infrequently, I feel pretty happy about all that I learned from seeing the other entries, and am thrilled to have discovered all those talented photographers whose work I can now observe. Good going, Leanne, Laura, and here’s to one more year of crazy single-color!

So this week is week-52 for the series, and we thought each of us should just re-show our favorite submissions over the past year. Amongst my submissions, my favorite is Odd Pumpkin Out — this was for a color-splash special last Christmas.

Odd pumpkin outI’d never really tried color-splash before this, and I remember how excited I was about this result. πŸ˜€ This week, Leanne’s showing this photograph in her post, along with everyone else’s favorites from their submissions.

I usually don’t just re-show photographs that I’ve already posted, so I thought I’ll also throw in a different version of this photograph today — a dark, split-tone monochrome, with some added glow.
Pumpkin patch

But then, since I’m showing past photographs anyway πŸ˜‰ here’s a small collection of my other favorites from amongst my MM submissions over the year —

Beach Lamp Post Barcelona street

Rediscovering old photographs in new avatars, monochrome or not, is always fun (and sometimes surprising) isn’t it! πŸ™‚

17 thoughts on “Monochrome madness wk 52 (or yr 1)

  1. Anita, I’m so glad you joined the MM crew! It’s been a great year and very inspiring.
    I enjoyed seeing your chosen favourites πŸ™‚


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